snow @ pratt pumpkin patch trip picking pumpkins new york library timesquare central park washington square

pumpkin patch
2002 we visited a pumpkin patch in october 2002 the weather was cool and the trip was memorable

2003 what a beaufiful sight
the lawn at Pratt Institute was covered with snow in Jan 2003
previous winter did not see snow except for one day on 19 Jan 02
i remember the date becoz i arrived in New York on that day from Singapore after vacation
pratt institute
2001 i was in my apartment@Brooklyn when 911 happened
shot taken from the rooftop of our apartment block
it was a sad sad day
September 11
2003 Pratt Institute is fortunate to have the lawn within the campus
the lawn was covered with snow in winter
this shot was taken from the life studio
i attended the open life studio class every Saturday for only US$2
the view from the corridor was spectacular
pratt institute
theodora our professors barbara and theodora
washington square is next to NYU washington square
tea ceremony at Pratt
pratt institute tea ceremony@Pratt & snow on campus ground
beautiful sunset from my window my apartment
artist studio @ dumbo down under the manhattan bridge over - DUMBO
beautiful night @ central park night @ central park
a trip to Whiteface Mountain wow!

This page was added on 12 Nov 2003.